5 Ways to be More Sensitive

Photo Courtesy: Gustty
Do you often find yourself being subjected to something similar to, “how can you be so insensitive?” It is quite possible that you have blocked your receptive side and need to re-open it. It is really important to not lose touch with sensitivity towards all life forms, for that is what keeps one stable and grounded. Here are a few ways to be more sensitive:
1. Find an outlet :
A sure shot way to be able to feel and take people’s feelings into account is to find a way to release and express whatever it is that you feel. Writing, singing, dancing, kick boxing, running, working out– just find an outlet via which you can let it all out in a healthy non destructive manner. The moment you release, you will be more open and receptive.
2. Ask for help :
Ask your friends and the ones you trust and love to help you. Sit them down and tell them that you feel cut off, and it worries you that you are becoming this person who does not care much for anyone. The people around you have a huge impact on you, and having this talk is a huge step forward to becoming more sensitive.
Better still, make a game out of it – everyone confesses to something and you all do a shot!
3. Set up a reward system :
Monitor your progress, and set up a reward system for yourself. That phone you thought was too expensive? Well, you can buy it if you think you have been improving and your life seems fuller and richer, you deserve an award even if self sponsored.