5 Ways to Know If She is Only Looking for Some Fun

Photo Courtesy: AntonioGuillem ©crestock.com
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that commitment phobia is only a guy trait; girls also look to have some plain fun without getting into the complexities. Bringing in fun into somebody’s life is a good thing but not at the cost of your happiness. Here are 5 ways to know if she is only looking for some fun.
1. She always laughts it off
If you constantly find your romantic or commitment-related talks being laughed off or diverted into another topic, then you must take it as a sign. She obviously does not want to encourage something she doesn’t really want, and hence she will never reciprocate. Casually shrugging off your avowals of love is a way of getting out of tricky situations.
2. She ensures you never meet her friends and family
Making you meet her friends and family is obviously taking it to another level; and you shouldn’t expect that to happen if she’s only looking for some fun. Even if she does bump into an acquaintance of hers, she will prefer introducing you as a friend. However, her friends will know you, but only as “some guy she’s casually seeing”.
3. She never indulges in sweet-nothings
Cuddling happens when there’s attachment and intimacy. If it’s just a casual thing she’s indulging in, then there won’t be too much coochie-cooing or whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears. Post-coital snuggle is something that she will always avoid because she obviously does not want to give out the wrong signal in a casual fling.