5 Ways to Prevent Cyber Stalking

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Cyber stalking is a recent phenomenon that has reached alarming proportions. Just as in real life, there are predators in the online world too. Anyone can be stalked on the internet, but reports have shown that almost 80% of the victims are females. People who are new to the internet, children and emotionally unstable people are also easy targets. From sexual harassment to revenge, hate and ego, anything can be a motivation for stalkers. Here are some tips to prevent cyber stalking.
1. Be wary of sharing personal details
Be wary of revealing your personal information. This includes your name, contact number, address, passwords and any such information that can be used to contact you offline. Similarly, you should also refrain from posting someone else’s personal details online. Be careful while sharing your photographs. Do not share it with strangers.
2. Keep a safe distance
Do not believe everything that you read online. In the online world, it is easy to hide your identity, so you are not quite sure of the real identity of the person with whom you are interacting. If you are a part of any of the social networking sites, it is best to avoid friend requests from people whom you have not met in person.
3. Avoid messages from unknown people
Be careful of messages from strangers. If you have received a mail from someone you do not know, it is best to delete it immediately without reading it. It can be a hate mail and worse, sometimes viruses are sent through mails, which might affect your computer.