7 Ways To Reduce Back Pain

Photo Courtesy: andronicusmax
Back pain can be caused by number of reasons. In men, the most common reasons are wrong posture and sitting in one position for a very long time. Prolonged back pain can also cause the problem of slip disc. Listed are ways to reduce back pain. Read on to know more about it.
1. Massage works well
Cure your back pain with the help of massage therapy. Massage not only relieves the back pain but also soothes the area which prevents the pain. Use a cream or natural oil for this. Just rub it gently on your back and massage for about fifteen minutes. This will relieve the pain to a very good extent. Massage therapy works well on any type of back pain in men.
2. Deep breathing and meditation
Do you know that back pain can be cured with deep breathing? You heard that right! It helps to relieve the stress which is a cause of back pain in men. Practice deep breathing for like fifteen minutes on a daily basis. Meditation for ten minutes early in the morning will prevent stress. That in turn will help to cure the problem of back pain.
3. Sleep properly
A recent survey proved that inadequate sleep can cause back pain in men. So, if you don’t sleep properly, chances are you would suffer from back pain. Sleep for like eight hours to stay active and healthy. Also, don’t sleep on too soft surface because that can exaggerate your pain. Sleep on harder mattress because that will alleviate your pain.
4. Have a good diet
Your diet intake can also affect your pain. Have a diet that is rich in calcium and nutrients. Include two portions of fruits and veggies in your diet plan. It is must to include any type of dairy product in your diet plan. Have yogurt or milk on a daily basis. Foods rich in calcium can also help to reduce back pain. So, have a balanced diet.