7 Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Photo Courtesy: 4774344sean ©crestock.com
Are you already using Twitter for your business? Or are you still thinking about it? Either ways, with millions of people actively using this social media platform, here are a few tips you could really benefit from in order to take your business to new heights.
1. Organize whom your follow
It is very easy to miss out on important updates from people you follow on Twitter, especially when you are following a large number of people. The best remedy is to segregate these people into different lists, such as Customers, Suppliers, Competitors, etc.
2. Customize your visual profile
Twitter provides you with the option of having a display picture, a cover photo, and a background image of your choice. Use them wisely. The display picture is next to all your tweets. So make it something that your followers will remember your company with. You can use the cover photo and background image to give additional information about your company in a visually appealing manner.
3. A bio needs thought
You have just 160 characters to write your bio. That is really less, unless you are smart. The trick is to say what your company is about and why people should follow you, and all this with a positive spirit. Write, re-write and re-re-write if necessary. Your bio is one thing that will bring you new customers.
4. Be human
Do not use bots or automated tweeting services. Apart from being boring and duplicate, many people consider them as spam. Have a real human being take care of your company’s Twitter profile. It will add the necessary human touch, make conversations, and eventually lead to your company’s success.